Saturday, 25 November 2017

How Y-Axis redefined immigration services

Though there are a lot of immigration services consultants in India, people are wary of approaching them as their relatives and acquaintances might have been hoodwinked, misled or did not deliver what they promised. But when Y-Axis stepped in and started providing admirable services in this arena, perceptions of people about immigration consultancies transformed. Our professional approach was unlike anything that was witnessed in the sphere of immigration services.

This has, in fact, made clients refer our services to their acquaintances. Since this has been happening for the last 18 years, the word has spread far and wide about the way Y-Axis has reinvented the way services can be offered in immigration, visa services and in other related fields.

Here, we need to state that Y-Axis did not become a success overnight. It happened through relentless soul-searching. That is why we have always been trying to improve our services, as we know that there is always a scope for adding value. We also do this by pre-empting any Y-Axis frauds.

We did commit mistakes, yet we took care to see that people who have been affected do not leave us without being adequately recompensed for the follies or oversights that our staff might have been inadvertently party to. Our company can vouch for this by citing any number of instances where our clients’ complaints have been redressed promptly.

To ensure that we continue to improve all the time, we seek feedbacks and encourage our clients to speak to us frankly about the inconveniences they might have felt.        

Such learning experiences in our close to two decades of existence have also helped us in this journey of improvement. Fortunately, we do not rest on our laurels and bask in our past glories because as a professional organization, we realize that we should not forget our mission of offering quality services at all times in the future, as well.

In fact, our first and foremost endeavor is to not let Y-Axis fraudulence not to occur ever.

We believe that we need to weed out our negative aspects before we venture to go ahead.

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